Dump populations
Larus fuscus

IGMs = International Gull Meetings

There are already 8 IGMs arranged

1. 1996 Germany (Ronald Klein)
2. 1997 Denmark (Kjeld & Johnny Pedersen & Eddie Fritze)
3. 1998 Netherlands (Norman van Swelm)
4. 1999 France (Ted Hoodgendoorn)
5. 2001 Portugal (Peter Rock)
6. 2002 Finland (Risto Juvaste)
7. 2003 Poland (Greg Neubauer, Magda Zagalska-Neubauer & Szymon Bzoma)
8. 2004 Spain (Andrés Bermejo) 2004


Canadian GBBG in Portugal after the 8th IGM 

12th October, on our return from the 8th International Gull Meeting in Galicia, Spain I read a metal ringed 3cy Greater Black-backed Gull (Larus marinus) in Viana do Castello, Portugal Fishing port (41o42´N-8o50´W). My read was certified by Mr Visa Rauste and Ms Dr Maija-Liisa Penttinen.  I also managed to digiscope the ring (Washington DC/USA bird band, thought used in Canada)

The Gull  was ringed by Gregory Robertson June 7, 2002, in SE Edge of  Newfoundland CANADA (5 km East of Mobile) !

Also an albino gull was present at the same place. Which species? 


Albino in flight

Photo by Visa Rauste
Canadian GBBG

Washington ring

Click on the thumbnail for a larger version!!    


The 6th IGM 

You can have a look at program of 6th IGM in Lammi  in 6th IGM  8.8.-11.8.2002 
As a surprise to the 6th IGM Norman van Swelm sent the following paper   6th IGM, Norman van Swelm "Identification of Yellow-Legged Gulls"

Here are some pictures from the 6th IGM:


Tampere dump =Taraste
Tampere dump =Taraste
Taraste lecture
Taraste lecture
Intalling gun net
Intalling gun net
Waiting for Taraste lunch
Waiting for Taraste lunch
Taraste lunch (blood sausage)
Taraste lunch (blood sausage)
Lammi banquet
Lammi banquet
Lammi banquet
Lammi banquet
Lammi banquet
Lammi banquet
Lammi banquet music
Lammi banquet music
Boat trip lunch
Boat trip lunch
Boat trip lunch
Boat trip lunch
Boat trip lunch
Boat trip lunch
Boat trip lunch music
Boat trip lunch music
Boat trip group pics
Boat trip group pics
Boat trip dance
Boat trip dance
Boat trip gulls
Boat trip gulls
Boat trip
Boat trip
Boat trip
Boat trip
Best LBBG colony (left islet)
Best LBBG colony (left islet)
Risto and LBBG in Taraste
Risto and LBBG in Taraste

Click on the thumbnail for a larger version!!    


Preliminary itinerary for the 6th IGM (af&rj/v7  30.7.2002)

Special note for all participants:

There is no public service of alcoholic drinks (or beer or wine) at the biological station. Only about 30 litres of home brewed traditional local beer called “Sahti” is served free. It is a living and very strong dark beer. It is normal that some people do not like it. And it is brewed by Risto Juvaste, who can not even guarantee the success of brewing, so it is possible that your stomach does not like it.

The prices of beer and wine in shops of Finland are exceptionally high due to the highest taxes in EU. That is why we highly recommend that specially the people, who come by car, could take along some extra cheap and nice European beers and wines to make happy also those participants which come by air and therefore have limited possibilities to carry drinks. The dark beer lover Risto Juvaste can buy out the extra drinks so that you do not need to carry them back.

It is possible to buy alcohol in Lammi, only 4 km away, until 6pm Saturday.

Note that the addresses of some www-pages of Lammi-station have been changed.
The main page is ok < >,but the traffic connection and maps pages have new addresses, where you can go via main pages, but also directly < >

If you need rent a car or if you are going to stay in Helsinki or Tampere before IGM, please note Annika’s mail in my www-pages.

 Thursday 8th August

17.00-18.00 Dinner

18.00-19.30 Registering for IGM
19.30-19.45 Opening of the IGM
19.45-20.15 Annika Forsten: Gullwatching at the Tampere dump and some of the gulls there (slideshow)
20.15-20.45 Hannu Koskinen: Heuglin’s Gull at Tampere.
20.45-21.00 Relax
21.00-22.00 Pierre Yesou: Gull systematics
22.00- Sauna, sahti (Sauna is open for dump-seminar from 20.00-)


Friday 9th  August

Chairman Cilla Johansson  

07.30-08.00 Breakfast

Trip to the Tampere dump

08.00-09.15 Transfer (100 km, cars, people can start after breakfast on their own towards Tampere)
09.15-09.45 Presentation of the Tampere dump, local manager?
09.45-12.15 Gull watching at the dump, including an attempt to catch a few with a cannon-net (11.00 ?)
12.15-14.45 Transfer, en route a stop at an Osprey feeding pond (where organised lunch).
14.45-15.00 Relax, coffee at Lammi


15.00-15.30 Rik Winters: Moult of immature LBB in NE Netherlands
15.30-16.00 Steve Howell:
Variation of winter adult Kumlien's Gulls in Newfoundland (with Bruce          Mactavish)
16.00-16.10 Relax
16.10-16.40 Killian Mullarney: smithsonianus and difficult argentatus individuals in Europe
16.40-17.00 Pierre-André Chrochet: Geographical variation of michahellis: the cantabrian gulls (paper submitted to Condor, with Jean Marc Pons) + slides show
17.00-18.00 Dinner
18.00-18.20 Kenneth Bengtsson: Comm
on Gull age characteristics
18.20-18.50 Andreas Buchheim: Slides of Fuerteventura atlantis and Volgadelta cachinnans
19.00-19.30 Rik Winters: Variation of LBBG in NE Netherlands
19.30-19.45 Relax
19.45-20.05 Kalev Rattiste & Lauri Saks: Wing tip pattern in Common Gull
20.05-21.25 Morten Helberg: Larus marinus, the effects of PCBs on reproduction (Norway, Loppa)
21.25-21.45 Hannu Koskinen: Series of colour-ringed LBBG:s at Tampere ???
21.45-22.00 Relax
22.00-22.30 Ted Hoogendoorn: Southern Hemisphere gulls
21.00- Sauna, sahti, sausage, night fire

Saturday 10th  August

Chairman: Gunter de Smet

07.30-08.00 Breakfast

Trip to the Tampere dump

07.30-10.00 Transfer to the dump
08.15-13.15 Gull watching at the dump (dump not in operation=locked on Saturday, so arrival not before 7, leave before 14),
13.15-14.45 Transfer and self-organised lunch en route wherever you choose
14.45-15.00 Relax, coffee at Lammi


15.00-15.30 Theo Muusse: Slides of 1cy LBBG in Holland
15.30-16.00 Risto Juvaste: Gulls at Joensuu dump and on Large Lakes of Russian Karelia
16.00-16.15 Relax
16.15-16.30 Jari Valkama: The Finnish ringing central and gull rings
16.30-17.00 Klaus Hein: Biometric, colours and migration of L.c.canus & heinei in Northern Germany
17.00-17.30 Pierre-André Chrochet: Systematics of the large white headed gulls (paper in press in Auk + results from others) Future
projects on gull systematics
17.30-17.45 Relax
17.45-18.15 Andreas Buchheim: Wintering of Herring Gull in inland Germany
18.15-18.35 Andrés Bermejo & Emilia Castro: First results of watching ringed Galician YG
18.35-18.45 Relax
18.45-19.00 Pierre-André Crochet:
Phylogeny of gulls (unpublished results, with JM Pons)
19.00-19.30 Dick Newell: The gulls of Oman (Identification/ more questions than answers)
19.30-21.00 Banquet (Ceremonial Dinner, optional free talks)
21.00 ------  Lars Jonsson: ????????
Optional slide shows and/or talks for the occasion ??
22.00 ------  Smoke sauna, sahti, sausages

Sunday 11th  August

08.00-08.30 Breakfast


08.50-09.10 Cosme Damiám Romai Cousido: Wintering Mediterranean Gulls in Galiza
09.10-09.45 Magdalena Zagalska: Taxonomy (genetic variability withing cachinnans, michahellis &         argentatus RAPD)
09.45-10.00 Relax
10.00-10.20 Grzegorz Neubauer: Occurrence details of pale-mantled LBBG’s in Poland
10.20-10.40 Peter Rock: Gulls of Bristol and/or 2nd show of Andy Baxter's Powerpoint presentation on 'Bird Management on British Landfills'???

10.40-11.10 Nick Rossiter: YG in the Antlantic-Mediterranean Intersection area
11.10-11.30 Martti Hario:
The reproduction failure of LBBGs under the pressure of HG predation
11.30-12.00 summary
12.00-13.00 Lunch


13.00-15.00 Transfer to airports etc, possibility to visit the dump at Tampere again.
12.30-13.30 Transfer to lake trip  (to Valkeakoski)
13.30-17.30 Lake trip by ship, breeding colonies, picnic by fire (Valkeakoski-Pälkäne)
17.30-          Transfer to Hämeenlinna-Helsinki etc.


There will probably be some extra posters e.g. Szymon Bzosa and additional papers e.g. Bert-Jan Luijendijk “Moult of 2nd cy argentatus and michahellis”, because they had to had to cancel their participation.

Preliminary itinerary for the Gulls at dump (rj/v5  29.7.2002)

Thursday 8th  August

Gull Management, Herring Gulls at Dumps 2000-2002-project

In Finnish !!  

08.00-09.00 Ilmoittautuminen/kahvi

Session A Yleiskatsaus, ympäristövaikutukset

09.00-09.15 Avaus, Lammin biologinen asema/HY
09.15-09.30 Lokkihallinnan ongelmakenttä Suomessa, Ari Lehtinen, Hämeen ympäristökeskus
09.30-09.50 Kaatopaikkaharmaalokkiprojekti 2000-2002, projektipäällikkö Jukka Tonteri
09.50-10.10 Kaatopaikkojen lokit (populaatiot, lajit, määrät), yliopettaja Risto Juvaste, P-K:n ammattikorkeakoulu 
10.10-10.30 Lintujen ja lokkien aiheuttama tautiriski ihmisille, prof. Pekka Saikku, KTL & Oulun yliopisto
10.30-10.50 Kahvitauko
10.50-11.10 Linnut ja lokit tartuntalähteenä, mm. salmonellariskit, prof. Sinikka Pelkonen, EELA
11.10-11.30 Lokkien muut ympäristövaikutukset, mm. rehevöityminen, Ismo Malin, Lahden valvonta- ja ympäristökeskus
11.30-12.00 Lokkien vaikutukset linnustoon (mm. case ”Harmaalokit Suomenlahden länsisaaristossa), tutkimusjohtaja Mikael Kilpi, ARONIA vid ÅA & YHS
12.00-13.00 Lounas

Session B Lokkihallinta

13.00-13.20 Ruokailun esto ja karkotus: verkot, peittotoimet, paukuttelu jne., kehityspäällikkö Ari Savolainen, Päijät-Hämeen jätehuolto Oy
13.20-14.00  Harmaalokkien vähentäminen Turun Topinojan kaatopaikalla
(loukkupyynti, ampuminen) ja pyynnin vaikutukset saaristossa, ympäristötoimenjohtaja Mikko Jokinen, Turun kaupunki.
14.15-14.45 Kahvi
14.45-15.05 Riistanhoidon näkökulma, pesinnänrauhoituksen poikkeuslupakäytäntö, rh-kokeilujohtaja Pentti Vikberg, Metsästäjäin keskusjärjestö
15.15-15.35 Hallinta ja luonnonsuojelu, ylitarkastaja Matti Osara, Ympäristöministeriö
15.35-15.55 Linnustonsuojelunäkökanta, suojeluasiantuntija Teemu Lehtiniemi, BirdLife Suomi ry
(mahdollisesti yhdessä Suomen Luonnonsuojeluliiton edustajan kanssa) 
15.55-16.30 Gull management abroad (in EU), 6th IGM-participants (Peter Rock: mm. Peter Rock shows Andy Baxter's Powerpoint presentation on 'Bird Management on British Landfills', in English).
16.30-17.00 Vara-aika (lisäalustus tai jatkoaikaa edellisiin)
17.00-18.00 Päivällinen
18.00-19.15 Paneeli- ja yleiskeskustelu eli kysymyksiä ja vastauksia alustusten täydennykseksi. Mielipidekysely/äänestys eri aiheista? Esim. Onko lokkeja liikaa? Ovatko lokit uhka tai riski? Miten hallitaan? Mitä pitäisi tutkia? Tarvitaanko valtakunnallista ohjeistusta? Etiikka? Onko muita vaihtoehtoja? 
19.15-19.30 Tauko
19.30 – Gulls at dumps joins to the program of 6th IGM


Peter         Adriaens       Belgium         
Jouko         Astor          Finland          x
Paul          Baxter         United Kingdom  
Kenneth       Bengtsson      Sweden          
Andreas       Buchheim       Germany         
Pierre        Camberlein     France          
Christian     Cederroth      Sweden          
Cosme D. R.   Cousido        Spain           
Pierre-Andre  Crochet        France          
Gunter        De Smet        Belgium         
Annika        Forsten        Finland         
Eddie         Fritze         Denmark         
Chris         Gibbins        United Kingdom  
Martin        Gottschling    Germany         
Martti        Hario          Finland          x
Klaus         Hein           Germany         
Margrit       Hein           Germany         
Morten        Helberg        Norway          
Harri         Hongell        Finland          x
Ted           Hoogendoorn    Netherlands     
Nettie        Hoogendoorn    Netherlands     
Steve         Howell         United Kingdom  

Cecilia       Johansson      Sweden          

Lars          Jonsson        Sweden          

Risto         Juvaste        Finland         
Markku        Kangasniemi    Finland         
Hannu         Kettunen       Finland          x
Mikael        Kilpi          Finland         
Roland        Klein          Germany         
Geert Groot   Koerkamp       Russia          
Hannu         Koskinen       Finland          x
Klaus         Laine          Finland         
Jörg          Langenberg     Germany         
Harry         Lehto          Finland         
James         Lidster        United Kingdom  
Antero        Lindholm       Finland         
Nils Helge    Lorentzen      Norway          
Richard       Lowe           United Kingdom  
Jan           Marsmuusse     Netherlands     
Theo          Muusse         Netherlands     
Grzegorz      Neubauer       Poland          
Dick          Newell         United Kingdom  
Hannu         Nyström        Finland          x
Johnny Leo    Pedersen       Denmark         
Kjeld Tommy   Pedersen       Denmark         
Alfons        Pennekamp      Germany         
Maija-Liisa   Penttinen      Finland         
Kalev         Rattiste       Estonia         
Visa          Rauste         Finland         
Peter         Rock           United Kingdom  
Ian           Smith          United Kingdom  
Geert         Spanoghe       Belgium         
Ian           Stanley        United Kingdom  
Richard       Thompson       United Kingdom  
Jukka         Tonteri        Finland         
Jari          Valkama        Finland          x
Rik           Winters        Netherlands     
Pierre        Yesou          France          
Magdalena     Zagalska       Poland          

X=partime participant